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Aerial Fitness

What is Aerial Fitness?

Aerial Fitness involves utilising suspended hammocks of various types and materials for a challenging and dynamic workout. Participants begin their aerial journey on a double-suspended hammock, gradually progressing to more advanced options as they gain confidence and strength. The workouts focus on engaging core muscles, developing upper body strength, and improving flexibility through a series of movements and poses.


Who is it for?

Aerial Fitness caters to individuals seeking new challenges and unique workout experiences. Classes are available for juniors, teenagers, and adults, with participants grouped by age to facilitate optimal progress and skill development.


What are the benefits?

  • Improves flexibility, particularly in the spine, shoulders, and hips

  • Strengthens core muscles, promoting stability and control

  • Builds upper body strength, including arms, shoulders, and back muscles

  • Reduces stress and promotes mindfulness through immersive and engaging workouts

  • Fosters creativity and self-expression, allowing participants to explore movement in a dynamic and supportive environment

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