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Aerial Yoga deep stretching

What is Aerial Yoga?

Aerial Yoga utilises a silk hammock or sling suspended from the ceiling, providing a unique platform for performing yoga poses. Unlike traditional yoga practises on a mat, the hammock offers support, allowing for deeper stretches and enhanced flexibility. Additionally, it aids in inversion therapy by lengthening the space between vertebrae, which can alleviate chronic lower back pain. Aerial Yoga also strengthens the upper body through various movements and poses.


Who is it for?

Aerial Yoga is suitable for individuals seeking relief from daily stress, as it offers a therapeutic and immersive experience. It appeals to those looking to improve their physical and mental well-being, deepen their inner connection, alleviate lower back pain, or counteract the effects of prolonged sitting. 


What are the benefits?

  • Provides stress relief and reduces anxiety

  • Decreases the risk of injuries associated with various sports

  • Improves blood circulation and enhances joint flexibility

  • Enhances posture and body awareness

  • Elevates mood and promotes a sense of well-being

  • Facilitates a deeper connection with oneself and promotes mindfulness

  • Naturally decompresses the spine and increases flexibility for improved daily mobility

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